Jeopardy! M-F, Check Local Listings
Wheel of Fortune M-F, Check Local Listings
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? M-F, Check Local Listings
Family Feud M-F, Check Local Listings
Lingo M-F, 7-8 PM ET
I've Got A Secret M-F, 6:30 PM ET
Jeopardy! M-F, Check Local Listings
Chain Reaction Tue-Sat, 9 PM ET
StarFace Tue-Sat, 9 PM ET
Playmania Tue(Wed)-Sun(Mon) 1AM ET
High Stakes Poker M, 9 PM ET
World Series of Blackjack M, 10 PM ET
New GSN Record: First show to hit 4 seasons is... |
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 |
Poker Royale. GSN's first show to hit 4 seasons will be in the theme "Comedians VS Poker Pros", not Canadians VS Poker Pros like another site said. Top prize will be for $50,000, a tournament bracelet, and a trophy. Here is the list of competitors
Comedians- Paul Rodriguez (Ali) Mark Curry (Hangin' With Mr. Cooper) Robert Wuhl (Arlis$$) Carol Leifer (Curb Your Enthusiasm/Seinfeld writer) Tammy Pescatelli (Last Comic Standing) Sue Murphy (Wanda Does It)
Pros- Phil Laak Robert Williamson III Linda Johnson David Williams Connie Kimm Kathy Kolberg
Each prelim match will give the winner $5,000 and the usual point system applies. The hosts are Mighty Ducks announcer John Ahlers, Kenna James, and Lisa Dergan. Poker Royale: Comedians VS Poker Pros will begin on Jul 8th at 9PM EST with a 12 episode series. |
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |
Trebek: "I think I can, I think I can!" |
Saturday, May 28, 2005 |
You can't keep a good Canuck down. In a recent interview with the Associate Press, Alex Trebek noted that he's not ready to slow down with Jeopardy! and that he might have another 25-year-plus veteran in the game show industry as his role model.
"I may want to go on like Bob Barker into his late 70s and beyond." That's a scary thought. Trebek, who will turn 65 this summer, is going into his 22nd season of Jeopardy. Unless TPiR's Bob Barker figures out the cure for dying, Trebek will have to host Jeopardy well past 2016 in order to try to catch up to Bob Barker's 33-season hosting streak.
Trebek Says He's Not Close To Retiring - Yahoo! News |
posted by Anonymous * Permalink  |
Lingo Newsflash |
Thursday, May 26, 2005 |
Lingo's order of episodes is officially 65. In a once a week status, this is 13 weeks. With two episodes airing (assuming they are both new episodes), this will only be around 7 weeks of episodes. Also, it is official, Lingo will have a new model. |
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |
More Lingo News |
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 |
Lingo news has been pouring in over the past few hours. The top prize now listed is $10,000. Whether this is cash or cash + trip, no one knows. More info will be sent in as soon as it arrives. Also, it is rumored that GSN is searching for a new model to replace Stacey, who actually has a career in US television now. More info will be given, again, on arrival. Keep watching Buzzer! for the most up-to-date news about GSN offered anywhere.
Also, if you have a Livejournal, you can sign up for the Buzzer! The Game Show Blog satellite by going to this link...
Buzzer! Livejournal Syndicate
Source: Craigslist GSN: The Network for Games |
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |
Get Schooled 2005 Comes to a Close |
The highly successful GSN mall tour "Get Schooled" switched from the trivia game (which was based on the network not-so-successful show WinTuition), to "Word Slam!" (which is based off the network's oh-so-successful show Lingo). 11 different cities were done, including Pittsburgh and San Francisco, and 11 champions, who have previously won $10,000, came together for the chance to win $25,000 in Philadelphia. Casey Butterfield of San Francisco, CA, has just won another $25,000 to total her winnings up to $35,000, which is still in the network's top ranks for money given away to a single person.
Casey Butterfield outlasted her other 10 opponents in order to win the $25,000 on the vocabulary game "World Slam!", which will air a documentary of the entire experience in the 4th quarter of 2005. Kimberly Locke of American Idol fame hosted, and surprised many a person attending with her excellent hosting abilities.
Get Schooled, in it's 3rd consecutive year, has given away more than $400,000 to needly students, sponsored by Bank of America. "We were thrilled to have the best and brightest compete head to head to crown Butterfield as the grand prize winner of the Get Schooled 2005 Championship." stated Dena Kaplan, the Senior Vice President of Marketing of GSN.
Here is a list of the finalists: Albuquerque, NM- Bill Medina (16 years old) Dallas, TX- Jennifer Robinson (44 years old) Sacramento, CA- Chris Reiley (17 years old) San Francisco, CA- Casey Butterfield (25 years old) Salt Lake City, Utah- Dallin Merrill (21 years old) Chicago, Illinois- Jime Wagner (22 years old) Nashville, TN- Cary West (23 years old) San Antonio, TX- Grey Stone (48 years old) Pittsburgh, PA- William Andrew Babb (21 years old) Boston, Massachusettes- Marry Ann Doering (45 years old) Philadelphia, PA- Art Kurtz (44 years old)
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |
The Winner of the Ultimate Tournament of Champions... |
Jeopardy's attempt at high ratings during sweeps, the Ultimate Tourmament of Champions, ended today as the three finalists went against each other to win $2,000,000. The results are in the cut below. The cut will be removed at midnight tonight. Click Buzz In! to see the results.
Brad Rutter has won his second massive Jeopardy ToC. He won the Million Dollar Masters earlier in the decade, and now has won the Ultimate Tournament of Champions. He is now the biggest winner in game show history, as his money spans over $3,000,000 total.
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |
What is DVD? |
Jeopardy, America's longest running quiz show, is coming to DVD. Undoubtedly, a good deal of the content will be Ken Jennings and the Ultimate Tournament of champions. Other behind the scenes things will be shown also. This is one of the few game shows to be released on DVD, with You Bet Your Life being another. Go to the link below for more information.
Jeopardy! DVD
Sources: Sony Pictures |
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |
Buzz! |

Well, this is a little bit off topic, but late from E3 in LA is a game for the Playstation 2 called Buzz! The Music Quiz. From the Sydnie Morning Herald:
Sony also revealed a four-player PlayStation 2 virtual game show, complete with buzzer controllers. Due in October, Buzz: The Music Quiz features 5000 questions and 1000 music clips from the past 50 years of popular music. Buzzer controllers. That's potential for a lot of PC modding. The game is slated for release in the Holiday setting for 2005 in Europe. No American release is set. Here's the listing at Gamespot for the game.
GameSpot |
posted by Anonymous * Permalink  |
Ken Jennings' New Gig Update! |
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 |
Michael Davies said something to the Washington Post that I apparently missed. My bad. In terms of how the show will play out:
"Think 'Price Is Right' with games of skill and intelligence in a multi-game format. Explore Ken against . . . the rest of the world and in national costumes when we can get it." |
posted by Anonymous * Permalink  |
GSN Mega Summer |
Monday, May 23, 2005 |
In the 2nd summer of GSN: The Network for Games, the cable channel announces the renewal of several series, as long as other new ones. There is literally something for everybody, and Buzzer! is here to break it first again. Please click Buzz In! to read the entire breaking story.
July 8th marks a new landmark for GSN. Poker Royale becomes the first show in GSN history to receive a 4th season. Despite what other competitor sites have said, it is not "Canadians VS Poker Pros". The 4th season will be "Comedians VS Poker Pros". Comedians such as Seinfeld writer Carol Leifer and Arli$$ star Robert Wuhl go against poker pros such as E! Hollywood Hold'em host Phil Laak and others. This series will be part of GSN's extremely successful Casino Night, on Friday nights, starting at 10PM EST. Poker Royale has been known to achieve up to a .6 rating, only second to Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
Like it or loathe it, Kenny VS Spenny returns for it's second season. The cult hit, which is only the 2nd series from GSN's start last March to stay on the network (World Series of Blackjack being the other), goes on the air with 26 new episodes Monday-Thusday at 1AM and 1:30AM EST starting on July 11th.
Lingo, one of GSN's highest rated traditional game shows, returns after a Whammy-esque break for a new series of episodes starting August 1st, airing at 7PM and 7:30PM EST. Not much word has been said, but it is known that the top prize will be $5,000 as usual and Chuck Woolery will return. Rumor has it that Stacey will not.
GSN's long-awaited pool show, formerly named No Limit 9-Ball, now titled Ballbreakers, comes on July 18th at 10-11PM EST. This will feature top pool players taking part in a regulation pool game with side bets being played with each strike of the ball for a top prize of up to $20,000. Several celebrity episodes are also known to be made.
GSN's most unintentional hit, and the show that has helped spawn a new national pasttime, Extreme Dodgeball, returns to many a youth-delight on July 19th at 10-11PM EST. The rules are different. The set is different. The hosts are, well, the same. The game has converted into points, new teams are made, celebrity team captains have been added, and a new league commissioner, the Dodgeball movie star Rip Torn, have made the 3rd season a truly memorable one.
After the wild success of Big Bucks, GSN has planned their own new series. Titled "Anything to Win", this show, which premieres on August 14th at 10-11PM EST, shows people who will and have done anything and everything in order to achieve money and fame.
GSN has also ordered a pilot of a new animated series. Entitled as of now "Arctic Station", this Mystery Science 3000-esque show will feature old game shows with comical comments thrown around as well. Being animated, one can assume this will appear to be in the form of an Adult Swim show, which is the highest rated series of programs in it's time slot and key demographics as of now.
In international GSN news as well, GSN has apparently sold rights to Extreme Dodgeball to the British GSN counterpart, ChallengeTV. This network does basically the same thing as GSN, offering a wonderful mix of traditional game shows and new age programming. No word on any exchange of programs has been said yet.
You will and always will hear it first if GSN has any breaking news to deliver. Stay tuned to Buzzer! for more news.
Source: PR Newswire GSN: The Network for Games
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |
Move Over Donny, There's Another Mormon in Show Business |
You can't keep a good Mormon down. Michael Davies is spearheading a new game show, hosted by none other than our Jeopardy! wunderkinder, Ken Jennings. Not much is known about the new show, slated to air on Comedy Central, except for the host and part of the format. Davies said this:
“As to the format, I’m giving nothing away. Except it might feature questions…and answers.”
Way to keep us guessing, Mike. Lauren Corrao, senior veep of original programming at Comedy Central, noted that, despite what you may think, there IS a market for this.
"Research has shown that our viewers are clamoring for more shows hosted by software engineers from Utah and, fortunately, Ken was available and had a screen test handy,"
Smartass. Timetables for release are looking at late 2005 or early 2006. I'm going out on a limb to say that Win Ken Jennings' Money will be out of the question.
posted by Anonymous * Permalink  |
What is an emmy? |
Saturday, May 21, 2005 |
I'm having way too much fun with these creative post titles. At the 2005 Daytime Emmy's, Jeopardy! did done good, winning the Emmy for best game show. Merideth Viera won one too for best something or other for Millionaire. |
posted by Anonymous * Permalink  |
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