New Distraction Coming Rather Soon |
Thursday, August 18, 2005 |
Buzzer was the first place on the net, besides Craigslist, to announce the new season of the hit game show, Distraction, to Comedy Central. Per various sources, CC released more information for the fans. The season will be 14 episodes, Jimmy Carr will return as host (thank Jesus), and it will begin to air as a midseason show, in Q1 of 2006. New distractions will be tattooing, finding answers on nudists, being pecked by geese, "electrocution" (term used very loosely), and food/object catapults. Returning ones will be hot sauce shots, clothes pins, wrestlers, and more. Hopefully we'll get some new bonus rounds also. Now if only NBC would release info like this so quickly for Deal or No Deal..... |
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |