Thursday, August 24, 2006 |
 This JUST in. From Endemol sources and Craigslist postings and more, ABC has officially picked up the second show coming from Endemol because of the "Deal or No Deal" craze entitled "Show Me What You Got". This show was originally scheduled to be broadcasted on FOX. However, FOX dropped it and Endemol sold it to ABC a day later. The top prize has dropped from $8,160,000 to $5,000,000, but I'm sure it's not even. In "Show Me What You Got", players have to choose scrolls and decided to use a PLUS or MINUS cube with the value on the scroll in round one, hoping to finish having some money after round one. If the player finishes with anything, he/she moves into round 2. In round 2, the player chooses a scroll, and a number 1-5 is revealed. The player is then asked a question. If correct, his/her dollar value is multiplied that amount. If wrong, the total is divided. This gives ABC three studio based game shows in development: this, Jimmy Kimmel's "Set For Life", and "PokerFace"/"The Con Test". No word on an airdate for any of these, although "Set For Life" is projected at around December. |
posted by Alex Davis * Permalink  |